California Low Cost Auto Insurance Company Contacts
Please find below a list of companies who handle the California Low Cost Auto Insurance Program and their payment and claims contact information. Contact us if you don't see your company listed below or for service related request/questions.
21ST CENTURY CENTENNIAL INSURANCE COMPANY BILLING # 800-531-5981 CLAIMS # 800-531-5981 CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY (MERCURY) BILLING # 877-559-9033 CLAIMS # 800-503-3724 INFINITY INSURANCE COMPANY BILLING # 800-782-1020 CLAIMS # 800-334-1661 INTEGON NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY BILLING # 800-487-4567 CLAIMS # 800-327-3000 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY BILLING # 800-675-8818 CLAIMS # 800-782-8332 This is not a complete list. We make every attempt to keep this list up-to-date; however, from time to time the information may have changed with the company, without notice. We welcome you to contact us directly at 805-351-3851 with any questions or service related concerns/requests. |