Carrier Contact and Payment Information
CAARP Insurance Agency (policies begin with AAP)
Customer Service: 888-922-4776 -Email: [email protected]
Electronic Payments:
Payments by Mail
Make check payable to CAARP and mail to:
PO Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530
Integon National Insurance Company (policies begin with IMPLC)
Customer Service: 800-632-3306- Email: [email protected]
Electronic Payments:
Select: Local
State or Territory-California
Payment Entity-Integon National Insurance Company
Payment Type-Accounts beginning with IMPLC
Payment by Phone-800-487-4567 option 4
Payments by Mail
Make checks payable to Integon National Insurance Company and mail to:
Integon National Insurance Company
PO Box 9048
Bethpage, NY 11714
21st Century Centennial Insurance Company (policies begin with CAR)
Customer Service: 800-531-5981-Email: [email protected]
Payments by Phone-800-531-5981
Payments by Mail
Make checks payable to 21st Century Ins. and mail to:
Auto Ins. Plan Payment Center
P.O. Box 7247-0243
Philadelphia, PA 19170-0243
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